Correction of the name of author: Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and pre-implantation genetic screening: two years experience at a single center
Article information
Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2020;63(4):551-551
Publication date (electronic) : 2020 July 15
doi :
In the published article, “Se Yeon Won, Hannah Kim, Woo Sik Lee, Ji Wonbstet Gynecol Sci 2018;61(1):95-101.,” the name of author was publish Kim, and Sung Han Shim. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and pre-implantation genetic screening: two years experience at a single center. Oed incorrectly. The authors apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused.
Se Yeon Won, Hannah Kim, Woo Sik Lee, Ji Won Kim, Sung Han Shim
The name of author should be corrected as follows. Changes are marked by underlines:
Seyeon Won, Hannah Kim, Woo Sik Lee, Ji Won Kim, Sung Han Shim
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