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Prognostic Value of Serum CA 125 Measurment during Chemotherapy for the Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.1997 November;40(11)
Prediction of Size of Residual Discase after Initial Surgery by Postoperative Decline of Serum CA 125 Levels in Patients with Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.1997 November;40(11)
Prognostic Significance of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.1997 December;40(12)
Clinical value of pretreatment serum cyfra 21-1 and SCC Ag levels in cervical cancer patients.1999 December;42(12)
A case of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with taxol / carboplatin in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer.2000 October;43(10)