Effect of Antioxidant on the Toxicity Induced by Cadmium in Preimplantatio Embryos In Vitro. |
Gi Youn Hong, Bong Joo Lee, Hee Sub Rhee, Heung Gon Kim, Bu Kie Min, Kie Suk Kim, Seung Taeck Park |
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Wonkwang University, Korea. 2Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Wonkwang University, Korea. |
Abstract |
In order to elucidate the mechanism of oxidative damage of cadimu(Cd) on culturedmouse preimplantation embyors.The embryotoxocity of Cd was examined after cultured mouse preimplantation embryoswere exposed to various concentrations of CdCl2. In addition, the protected effect of antioxidant,catalase against Cd-induced embryotoxicity was investigated.CdCl2 decreased the development of cultured mouse preimplantation embryos in dose andtime-dependent manners, and also oxidative damage was involoved in Cd-induced embryotoxicityin mouse preimplantation embryos by the prevention of catalase on Cd-induced toxicity. |
Key Words:
Embryotoxicity, Cadmium, Catalase, Preimplantation embryos |