Studies on the Participation of Prostaglandin in the Process of Hatchin gin the Mouse. |
Ji A Ryu, Han Ki Yu, Sook Young Yoon, In Ha Bae |
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Bioogy, College of Natural Science, Sungsin Womans University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
Most mammalian embryos implant on the uterine endometrium after hatching fromzona pellucida of the expanded blastocyst and pregnancy takes place. The blastocysts produceand control a variety of prostaglandins which activate a few proteolytic enzymes thatdissolve the zona pellucida of the embryos. In the present study, the goal was to investigatethe indomethacin and aspirin(inhibitors of cyclooxygenase pathway which regulates thepathway from arachidonic acid to prostaglandins), which can affect the hatching and implantationof the mouse embryos by the treatment of the different dose level of indomethacinand aspirin in the culture of mouse embryos.The female and male ICR mice, 6~8 weeks and were used for superovulation andmating and M16 was used as a basic culture medium.The above results can be summarized as following:1. Indomethacin seemed to inhibit the development of the mouse embryos and hatchingprocess because of inhibiting or blocking the activation of hatching related enzymes andhigh dose of indomethacin inhibited implantation.2. Aspirin had no effect on the hatching of the embryos at the dose of 0.16 mg/ml.3. FBS seemed to contain a factor which induced outgrowth of the embryo whereasBSA did not and outgrowth did not take place in the BSA contained medium.4. Blastocysts produced enough prostaglandins F2alpha which was needed for thehatching whereas they needed a factor for implantation which might be produced in theendometrium or exuded from the blood.In conclusion the concentration of indomethacin used in the present study inhibithatching of the blastocysts. This seems to be caused by inhibiting the synthesis of theproteins need for hatching. The factor that induce the outgrowth of the blastocysts doesnot seem to be produced in the blastocysts themselves but seem to be present in the FBS. |
Key Words:
Prostaglandin, Indomethacin, Hatching, Outgrowth |