Expression of Transforming Growth Factor-beta1, beta2 by ImmunohistochemicalStaining METHOD: Comparison in Normal Pregnancy, Extopic Pregnancy, and Missed Abortion. |
Jung Hye Hwang, Seung Ryong Kim, Young Jin Moon, Moon Il Park, Sung Ro Chung, Hyung Moon, Jai Auk lee, Youn Young Hwang, Se Jin Jang, Yong Wook Park |
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVES This study have demonstrated that transforming growth factor TGF-beta s(TGF-beta 1 and TGF beta 2) may play an important role in implantation and also to determinethe defferences of in the decidua and placenta between normal pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, and missedabortion. METHODS: We have studied the expression of TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 byimmunohistochemical staining method in the decidua trophoblasts of normal early pregnancy, ectopicpregnancy, and missed abortion. RESULTS: In the epithelial cells and decidua, TFG-beta 1 was moderately expressed in thenormal pregnancy and weakly expressed in the ectopic pregnancy. But TGF-beta 1 was notexpressed in missed abortion. In contrast, the epithelial expression of TGF-beta 2 was moderatelyin all groups and there are no differences among the groups. And in the decidua, TFG-beta 2 wasmoderately expressed in the normal pregnancy and missed abortion and was weakly expressed in theectopic pregnancy. In the trophoblasts, TFG-beta 1 was weakly expressed in all groups andTGF-beta 2 was moderately expressed in all groups that are no differences among the groups. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that TGF-beta 2 may have an important role in deciduaduring pregnancy, especially normal pregnancy. These could indicate that the presence oftroplablast and/or hormonal milieu of normal pregnancy resulted in the expression of TGF-beta s,particularly TGF-beta 1. |
Key Words:
Transforming growth factor-beta 1, beta 2, Immunohistochemical staining, Decidua |