Korean J Obstet Gynecol Search


Korean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1997;40(8):1676-1682.
Published online January 1, 2001.
The Association of Ovarian Preservation during Hysterectomy with Obesity in Premenopausal Women.
Jee Young Min, Chan Min Park, Il Young Ko, Chang Ho Jung, Kyung Yong Seo, In Hwa Roh, Jae Sik Shim
To determine if hysterectomy with or without ovarian preservation is asso-ciated with obesity in premenopausal women. METHODS: 581 women for routine check up from Jan. 1985 to Dec. 1995 in the depart-m ent of Gynecology at Korea Veterans Hospital were included. The obesity was evaluated by BMI(body mass index) scores. 80% of hysterectomy were confirmed from the hospital records. The age, weight, height, blood pressure, menstr- ual history, history of DM and hypertension, social history of alcohol and smoking and other cardiovascular risk factors such as cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides were checked. The 248 women with natural postmenopausal status before hysterectomy, taking hormonal replacement therapy after hysterectomy and having performed hysterectomy due to malign- ancy were excluded. RESULTS: All women performed hysterectomy were in premenopausal status in this study. Therefore, the final numbers of subjects included in the analysis was 333. Hysterectomy wit- hout ovarian preservation were performed in 58 cases and hysterectomy with ovarian pres- ervation were in 57 cases. The 218 premenopausal cases which did not performed hystere- ctomy were considered control group. BMI scores were higher in cases without ovarian pres- ervation than with ovarian preservation. And BMI score was associated with the postoper- ative duration in hysterectomy with ovarian preservation. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that hysterectomy without ovarian preservation in premeno- paussal women were associated with increased obesity, especially BMI scores.
Key Words: Husterectomy, Bilateral oophorectomy, Ovarian preservation, Premenopausal status, Obesity, BMI

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