4 Cases of Pelvic Actinomycoses. |
Jeong Su Kim, Chang Cho Chung, Yong Hun Chee, Myung Choel Shin, Mi Hwa Lee, Kyeong Sul Lee, Jong Gun Won, Dong Je Cho |
Abstract |
Actinomycoces is a gram positive, anaerobic, branching and non-acid fast bacterium which is a normal habitant of the skin, oral cavity, tonsil and gastrointestinal tract and its human infection is rare. Pelvic actinomycoses is frequently caused by Actinomycoces israel-ii. It is chronic, progressive, and more suppurative than granulomatous disease, and the symptoms are usually persistent and gradual, therefore the misdiagnosis and improper trea-tment are not uncommon. Actinomycoses is generally classified as cervicofacial, abdominal and thoracic type ac- cording to the site of the primary infection. Many actinomycotic pelvic infections in women used intrauterine device with long du- ration were reported, in contrast, others suggest that actinomycoces developed opportunistic infection irrespective of intrauterine device presence. We have experienced 4 cases of pelvic actinomycoses, one case with IUD(Lippes' loop) in a 47 year old woman, the other case with abdominal wall ctinomycoses in a 34 year old woman, the third case without IUD in a 41 year old woman, the fourth case with IUD(Cu-7) in a 37 year old woman and reported them with a review of literature. |
Key Words:
Pelvic actinomycoses, Abdominal wall actinomycoses, Intrauerine device |