Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Infertile Patients. |
Jae Ik Kim, Jung Hyung Yang, Byoung Won Kim, Sung Hee Sin, Dae Hwa Kim, kwang Soo Kee, Hun Jung Im |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kwangju Christian hospital, Kwangju, Korea. |
Abstract |
One hundred and forty-nine infertile women underwent hysterosalpingography and di-agnostic laparoscopy as a part of their infertility work up at the Kwangju Christian Hospi-tal. The diagnostic value of hysterosalpingography was compared with diagnostic laparos- copy. It was found that hysterosalpingography is a sensitive means to determine tubal pat- ency. However, diagnostic laparoscopy revealed peritubal adhesion in 25.5% of patients, wh- ereas hysterosalpingography made an accurate diagnosis in only 10.5%. And in 61.7% of the cases, there was complete agreement between hysterosalpingogr- aphy and diagnostic laparoscopy. It is concluded that hysterosalpingography is a simple and non-invasive and useful method of assessing the tubal patency, and should remain an integral part of female infert- ility investigation. Diagnostic laparoscopy is a more useful method to evaluate pelvic patho- logy than hysterosalpingography, and thus should always be performed whenever a periton- eal factor is suspected in female infertility. |
Key Words:
Hysterosalpingography, Diagnostic, laparoscopy, Infertility |