Korean J Obstet Gynecol Search


Korean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1997;40(10):2187-2194.
Published online January 1, 2001.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Infertile Patients.
Jae Ik Kim, Jung Hyung Yang, Byoung Won Kim, Sung Hee Sin, Dae Hwa Kim, kwang Soo Kee, Hun Jung Im
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kwangju Christian hospital, Kwangju, Korea.
One hundred and forty-nine infertile women underwent hysterosalpingography and di-agnostic laparoscopy as a part of their infertility work up at the Kwangju Christian Hospi-tal. The diagnostic value of hysterosalpingography was compared with diagnostic laparos- copy. It was found that hysterosalpingography is a sensitive means to determine tubal pat- ency. However, diagnostic laparoscopy revealed peritubal adhesion in 25.5% of patients, wh- ereas hysterosalpingography made an accurate diagnosis in only 10.5%. And in 61.7% of the cases, there was complete agreement between hysterosalpingogr- aphy and diagnostic laparoscopy. It is concluded that hysterosalpingography is a simple and non-invasive and useful method of assessing the tubal patency, and should remain an integral part of female infert- ility investigation. Diagnostic laparoscopy is a more useful method to evaluate pelvic patho- logy than hysterosalpingography, and thus should always be performed whenever a periton- eal factor is suspected in female infertility.
Key Words: Hysterosalpingography, Diagnostic, laparoscopy, Infertility

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