Korean J Obstet Gynecol Search


Korean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1997;40(10):2232-2240.
Published online January 1, 2001.
Clinical Significance of Zygosity as a Prognostic Factor in Complete Hydatidiform Mole.
Seog Nyeon Bae, Sang Hyung Lee, So Cheol Yoon, Jae Dong Kim, Jin Woong Shin, Chan Joo Kim, Jae Hoon Kim, Seung Jo Kim
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Catholic University of Korea, Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
To evaluate the possible correlation between the origin of complete hydatidiform mole(CHM) and subsequent persistent gestational trophoblastic tumor(GTT) after molar evacua-tion, we have studied genetic origin patterns against conventional clinical parameters -pati-ent's age, gestational age, uterine size for gestational age, serum beta-hCG levels before mol-ar evacuation- in 69 patients with CHM. In our study, each of large uterine size for gesta-tional age, serum beta-hCG levels before molar evacuation, and genetic origin of CHM had a prognostic significance of subsequent persistent GTT. However, each of gestational age and patient's age is not a good prognostic indicator for subsequent persistent GTT. Among the patients with persistent GTT, there are no differences in clinical parameters- patient's age, gestational age, tumor age(the interval between evacuation of CHM and initiation of chem-otherapy), serum beta-hCG levels before molar evacuation and before initiation of chemother-apy- according to the origin of CHM. There are no differences in the analysis of sex-chr-omosome and variable number tandem repeat sequence YNZ22 and APOB gene in the extr-acted DNA from frozen tissues and paraffin blocks and from EDTA treated peripheral blood and dried blood specimen on Wartman paper. It is suggested that analysis of sex-chromo-some and polymorphism of YNZ22 and APOB gene from the extracted DNA of paraffin bl-ock and dried blood specimen on Wartman paper is the valauble experiment to evaluate the origin and the classification of hydatidiform mole and seems to be the sensitive molecular genetic method in predicting subsequent persistent GTT.
Key Words: Hydatidiform mole, Gestational trophoblastic tumor, X chromosome, Y chromosome, Zygosity

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