Clinical Usefulness of Resectoscopic Surgery in Endometrial Factor of Infertility. |
Byeong Sam Park, Sang Nyeong Lee, Chang Gu Kang, Kwang Soo Kee, Hun Jung Im |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kwangju Christian Hospital, Kwangju, Korea. |
Abstract |
From May 1995 to February 1997, 46 patients underwent resectoscopic surgery for infertility. Of 46 patients, 32 patients had uterine synechiae, 5 patients had polyps, 3 patients had septums, 3 patients had bony foreign bodies, 2 patients had submucosal myomas, 1 patient had tuberculous endometritis. The resectoscopic procedure proved of special value for resection of intrauterine adhesion, submucosal myoma, septum and polyp. Except 5 patients, intrauterine conditions were improved and 10 patients were conceived. So it goes without saying that resectoscopic surgery is a effective and acceptable procedure for the management of infertility of endometrial factors. However, with the finding of slightly less satisfactory results with time and number, further follow-up is still needed to establish the usefulness of the procedure. |
Key Words:
Resectoscopy, Infertility, Uterine synechia |