Complications of Pelvic Radiation Therapy in Patients with Gynecologic Malignancies. |
H S Seo, H Y Oh, H Y Park, K S Ko, K Jin, H G Yoon, C H Park |
Abstract |
Objective ; The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and severity of complications following pelvic irradiation in patients with gynecologic malignancies. Study Design; A retrospective analysis was done in 72 patients treated with pelvic radiation therapy for cervical (N=66) and endometrial (N=6) cancer at Dankook University Hospital from May 1994 to July 1997. Results; The complications of pelvic irradiation were as follows; 1. Acute gastrointestinal complications occured in 14 of 72 patients (19.4%) (mild diarrhea; 5, hematochezia; 4, mild nausea and vomiting; 1, moderate diarrhea; 2, severe diarrhea; 2). 2. Acute genitourinary complications occured in 6 of 72 patients (6.3%) (cystitis; 6). 3. Chronic gastrointestinal complications occured in 11 of 66 patients (16.7%) (mild diarrhea; 5, hematochezia; 4, mild small bowel obstruction; 1, moderate diarrhea; 1). 4. Chronic genitourinary complications occured in 7 of 66 patients (10.6%) (cystitis; 6, gross hematuria; 1). 5. The incidences of acute and chronic complications after pelvic irradiation in gynecologic malignancies were higher in the following groups; 1) The group with total dose of external radiation over 45Gy. 2) The group with external beam radiation and brachytherapy modality. 3) The group of patients with medical problems. But there were no statistical significant differences in these groups. Conclusion; We concluded that complications are common after pelvic radiation therapy. Pelvic radiation therapy should be used judiciously for the purpose of reducing complications, particularly in the patients with higher dose radiation therapy and pre-existing medical problems. |
Key Words:
Pelvic radiation therapy, Gynecologic malignancies, Complications |