Comparision of Cardiotocographic Patterns between Intrauterine Growth Restriction Fetus and Normal Fetus at 28 to 42 Weeks Gestation. |
J Y Hwang, J C Lim, S Y Lee, K B Kim, H Y Song, Y Lee, J S Lee, J C Shin, S P Kim |
Abstract |
In order to evaluate the functional state of fetus, cardiotocography was performed on 67 cases of asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction pregnancy (experimental group) and 85 cases of normal pregnancy (control group) at 28 to 42 weeks` gestation. The signal loss rate, baseline fetal heart rate, oscillation frequency and amplitude were obtained by analyzing the cardiotocographies which were measured by autocorrelated HP 8040-A. The results were as fallows: 1. Mean signal loss rate of experimental group (0.67%) was significantly higher than that in control group(0.38%). 2. Mean of baseline fetal heart rate was significantly higher in experimental group (145.3 bpm) than in control group (142.9 bpm) and was significantly decreased with increasing gestational weeks in both groups(r=-0.60, -0.49). 3. Proportions of oscillation frequency of the cardiotocogram below 2 cpm and between 2-6 cpm were significantly higher in experimental group (4.2%, 83.1%) than in control group (1.7%, 78.7%) however, those above 6 cpm was significantly lower in experimental group (12.7%) than in control group (19.6%). With increasing gestational weeks in both groups, these proportions were significantly increased in frequency above 6 cpm and decreased in frequency between 2~6 cpm. 4. Proportions of oscillation amplitude below 5 bpm and between 5~10 bpm were significantly higher in experimental group (6.0%, 63.3%) than in control group (1.5%, 51.2%), however, those between 10~25 bpm and above 25 bpm were significantly lower in experimental group (27.0%, 3.7%) than in control group (40.3%, 7.0%). With increasing gestational weeks, these proportions were significantly decreased in amplitude between 5~10 bpm and increased in amplitude between 10~25 bpm and above 25 bpm in both groups. From the above findings, it suggested that the variability of cardiotocogram be significantly decreased in intrauterine growth restriction fetus than in normal fetus, however, be significantly increased with increasing gestational weeks in both groups. |
Key Words:
Cardiotocography, Intrauterine Growth Restriction, Variability |