Assessment About Quality of Life in Menopausal Women with Hormone Replacement Therapy. |
J Y Kim, J C Cho, S H Lim, S M Jeong, C H Rhyu, J D Kim |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVE The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of hormone replacement therapy by focusing on aspects of quality of life in menopausal women. METHODS: We conducted a study on patients with symptoms of menopause or osteoporosis for a three-month period in 1997, from January to April. We randomly selected a case group and a control group. And we conducted three WHQ surveys on these two groups at interval of three months. The first survey on their first visit, the second after 3 months and then the third after 6 months. Statistical analyses included t-test, x2-test end ANOVA. RESULTS: Evaluating each item on WHQ surveyed at three different times, we observed that all the rest of the these items were improved in the case group while there was no change in the control group except for the items of sexual function and menstruation. CONCLUSION: The hormonal replacement therapy has considerably improved the symptoms of menopause. Therefore, we should promote liberally the use of the hormonal replacement therapy and counsel women about the menopause and an indivisualized therapy. |
Key Words:
Quality of life, Menopause, Hormone replacement therapy, Women's health questionnaires |