Current Status and Clinical Analysis of Gynecological Pelviscopy in Korea. |
Seung Jun Yoon, Sun Young Park, Young Il Lee, Hyoung Moo Park, Min Hur |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the current status and new trends in gynelcological pelviscopy in Korea. METHODS: A survey was conducted and analyzed based on 20997 cases of operative pelviscopy hom May, 1985 to February, 1998 reported from twenty four university hospitals in Korea. RESULTS: The results obtained were ss followings; 1) 45.9 % of the total cases was 30 to 39 years old age group and it was the most dominant age group, 2) The previous operative history was found in 10.9% of the tota1 cases and included cesarean section(30.0%), ectopic pregnancy(20.3%), etc. 3) The operative indications were diagnostic(26.2%), myoma uteri(23.1%), ectopic pregnancy(21.4%), adnexal mass(18.4%), etc. In cases of diagnostic indication, the most common post-operative diagnosis of pelviscopic surgery was tubal pregnancy(30,6%). 4) The operative titles were salpingectomy(25.1%), hysterectomy(19.9%), salpinghorectomy(19.8%), etc. 5) The complications of operative pelviscopy were composed of subcutaneous emphysema(0.58%), preperitoneal bleeding(0.3%), bladder injury(0,3%), bowel injury(0.3%), etc. 6) lhe survey showed that 57.1% of the respondents desired more than 1 year of period for well peration between the operator and the assistant. 56.7% of respondents indicated that the surgical technique of the operator was the most important factor for a successful pelvisocopic surgery. 7) The most beneficial effect of the pelviscopy included the comfortableness of the patient(40.0%), cosmetic effect(22.8%), decrease of complications(14.2%), etc. CONCLUSION: The modem methods of operative pelviscopy have been successfully used in the treatment of gynecological disease. Today, pelviscopic surgery is being applied in almost all the cases of gynecological disease. Hence, the majority of pelviscopy techniques and pracedures being performed by surgeon must be taught in the controlled setting of a residency or a fellowship training program. |
Key Words:
Operative pelviscopy, current status |