Prospective Follow-up of Obstetric Outcomes and Genetic Risks of Pregnancy after Intracytoplasmic. |
S H Kim, M H Kim, B J Jung, B C Jee, Y S Seo, S M Choi, H S Kim, B Y Ryu, S K Oh, C S Suh, Y M Choi |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the obstetric outcomes and genetic risks of pregnancies after intracytoplasmic sperm injection[ICSI]. METHODS: From January, 1995 to August, 1997, 252 cycles of IVF-ET with ICSI using ejaculated spermatozoa[Group I, n=184], epididymal spermatozoa[Group II, n=39] or testicular spermatozoa[Group III, n=19] including frozen-thawed ET cycles[Group IV, n=10] were performed at Seoul National University Hospital. In pregnant cases, gestational age, birth weight, chromosomal anomaly and congenital malformation were evaluated and analyzed. RESULTS:A total of 50 pregnancies was obtained after ICSI; 31 in Group I, 11 in Group II, 3 in Group III, and 5 in Group IV. Mean gestational age and birth weight were 37.1 -4.0[mea -SD] weeks and 2.7 -0.5kg in Group I, 35.6 -6.5 weeks and 2.6 -1.3 kg in Group II, 28.0 -9.1weeks and 2.0 -2.2kg in Group III, and 38.2 -2.2 weeks and 3.1 -0.6kg in Group IV, respectively. The clinical abortion rate was 18.0%[9/50], and the pretern delivery rate was 19.5%[8/41]. Prenatal genetic diagosis with amniocentesis was performed in 17 cases, and abnormality in karyotype was diagnosed in three cases; one case of trisomy 18, and two cases of patenally transmitted strectural anomaly. Out of 53 offsprings after ICSI, three cases with congenital malformation were detected at birth; one case of major malformation [1.9%], and two cases of minor malformation[3.8%]. CONCLUSIONS: Increased risk of clinical abortion, pretern delivery and chromosomal anomaly was observed in pregnancies after ICSI using ejaculated, epididymal or testicular spermatozoa, compared with natural pregnancies. However, no increased risk of congenital malformation was observed. Theses findings should be further completed by larger collaborative and long-term studies. |
Key Words:
IVF-ET, ICSI, Pregenancy, OBstetric outcomes, Chromosomal anomaly, Congenital malformation |