A Clinical Evaluation on Adenomyosis at Hysterectomy. |
Yong Bok Yoon, Sang Wook Park, Youn Hwan You, Nam Soo Kim, Ik Ha Hwang, Doo Pyo Kim |
Abstract |
OBJECT: In order to estimate the frequency and risk factors for adenomyosis. METHOD: The clinical records of 1127 women undergoing hysterectomy were retrieved in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Incheon Christian Hospital, during 7 years, from Jan. 1st 1991 to Dec. 31st 1997. RESULT: The following results were obtained. 1. Adenomyosis was found in 206 of 1127 patients(18.3%). 2. The highest incidence was 41-50 years of age group, an incidence of 55% and mean age group was 46.9 years. 3. Adenomyosis was more frequently observed in parous woman than non-parous woman, such as 8.3% and 91.7%, respectively. 4. Grossly, the size of uterus was enlarged more than 10 weeks gestational size in adenomyosis, an incidence of 62.4%. 5. Pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea and metrorrhagia were common symptom of adenomyosis, an incidence of 26.7%, 25.2% and 19.4%, respectively. 6. Myoma was the most combined disease in adenomyosis, showing the incidence of 53.4%. 7. Combined pelvic endometriosis was not observed in this study. 8. Endometrial findings of adenomyosis showed proliferative phase of normal endometrial cycle in the highest incidence, giving 72.3% of all cases. 9. Preoperative diagnostic accurracy of adenomyosis was 8.2%. CONCLUSION: This results show that deeply understanding of the common symptom and epidemiology of adenomyosis improve the preoperative diagnostic accuracy. |
Key Words:
Adenomyosis, Hysterectomy |