A Case of Adenoid Basal Carcinoma in Uterine Cervix. |
Dong Choon Park, Jae Hoon Kim, Hyung Gun Lee, Dae Young Chung, Jin Woo Kim, Young Ok Lew, Dae Hoon Kim, Sung Eun NamKoong |
Abstract |
We report a rare case of adenoid basal carcinoma in uterine cervix. The patient was a 43-year-old Korean female. She received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Quick Cis-VP16 (cisplatin and VP16 with 7-10 days interval), three times and radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymph nodes dissection under the diagnosis of cervical cancer stage IIa. After the neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the mass size was 3 x 2.5 Cm and which was protruded in exocervical region. Microscopically, scattered small nests of uniformed small cells with dark nuclei and scant cytoplasm were observed. Peripheral palisading as well as the formation of gland-like or acinar structures were noted. There were also foci of squamous differentiation in same portion of the small nests. The epithelial surface in other portions showed squamous cell carcinoma, large cell non-keratinizing cell type. Distribution between adenoid basal carcinoma of the cervix and other disease, such as adenoid cystic carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma with basaloid features, is important for clinical management because the clinical behavior of adenoid basal carcinoma is less malignant than adenoid cystic carcinoma. |
Key Words:
Adenoid basal carcinoma, Adenoid cystic carcinoma Uterine Cervix |