Simultaneous bilateral tubal pregnancies following in - vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. |
Hee Chul Kim, Bum Chae Choi, Jae Hoon Lee, Kwang Moon Yang, Soo Jung Hong, Hye Sun Kim, Seog Hun Kim, Chang Heon Kim, Inn Soo Kang |
Abstract |
Over the last 20 years, the frequency of multiple pregnancy has increased mainly because of the introduction of exogenous pituitary gonadotropins in the treatment of infertility. Since the advent of assisted reproductive technology, the concern about ectopic implantation of embryos has increased dramatically and it continues to be a major complication of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). Bilateral tubal pregnancy is the least common type of ectopic implantation of two embryos. Of all extrauterine pregnancies, 1:725~1:1580 are bilateral1,2. Simultaneous tubal pregnancies have been reported in natural cycles, recently, after ovulation induction, in-vitro fertilization2,3. The high incidence of ectopic pregnancy associated with IVF-ET continues to be a problem and frequencies of between 2.4 and 12.4% have been only a few reports of simultaneous bilateral tubal pregnancies following IVF-ET4. This paper describes a case of a simultaneous bilateral tubal pregnancy after IVF-ET in a 33 year old patient. The diagnosis was confirmed by diagnostic laparoscopy performed 25 days after embryo transfer(sixth week of gestation), which revealed bilateral tubal pregnancy. Bilateral salpingectomy was performed. With a review of the literature on this topic, diagnostic aspects and treatment options are discussed. |
Key Words:
Bilateral tubal pregnancy, Ectopic pregnancy, IVF-ET |