One Case of Ovarian Pregnancy diagnosed at 14 weeks of gestational age. |
Tae Hun Kim, Dong Yoon Nam, Jee Min Lee, Jin Gon Bae, Jong In Kim |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Taegu, Korea. |
Abstract |
Ovarian pregnancy is an uncommon form of ectopic gestation that is often difficult to diagnose. The diagnostic criteria were described in 1878 by Spiegelberg, which comprise that the pregnancy is in the ovary and does not involve the tube. Primary ovarian pregnancy results in maternal hemorrhage early in the first trimester, and is usually accompanied by rupture of ovary with hemoperitoneum to require emergency operation. Misdiagnosis is common because it is confused with a ruptured corpus luteum. One case of ovarian pregnancy was presented with a brief review of literatures. |
Key Words:
Ovarian pregnancy |