Chromosomal Abnormality of Spontaneous Abortus in Relation to Transvaginal Ultrasonographic Finding. |
Kyung Ah Jeong, Tae Jung Kang, Jee Eun Han, Kyung Soon Lee |
Department of Obstetrics Gynecology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVE To investigate the importance of transvaginal ultrasonographic findings of spontaneous abortion and the relation of transvaginal ultrasonographic finding and the karyotype of abortus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Transvaginal sonography was undergone to 48 subjects with spontaneous abortion in their early pregnancies who had visited Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital, from March 1996 to June 1999. A chromosome analysis of their aborted products was done. RESULTS: The frequency of chromosome abnormalities of abortus was 47.9%. Among the chromosomal abnormalities, trisomy was 31.2%(simple trisomy 27.0%, double trisomy 4.2%), monosomy X 8.4%, poliploidy 8.4%(tripoidy 4.2%, tetraploidy 4.2%). The average maternal age for trisomy was 30.2+/-4.9, and their past number of spontaneous abortions was 1.0+/-0.9, with trisomy 16 most frequent with 23.0%. In the case with trisomy 5, 22, and double trisomy, the average maternal age was increased with 38.0, 36.0+/-2.8, 35.5+/-5.0, respectively. However, no significant relevance could be found. The average maternal age for polyploidy was 30.5+/-3.7, and their past number of spontaneous abortions was 1.0+/-2.0. No significant relevance could be found compared with normal karyotypes. The average maternal age for monosomy X was 27.5+/-1.7, which is lower than the average maternal age for normal karyotypes, but not significantly so. The mean number of past abortions was no different with 1.0+/-0.8. No significant relevance could be found between ultrasonographic findings and chromosomal abnormalities. The measured/expected crown-rump length ratio of the aborted group was smaller than those of the control group. CONCLUSION: Serial ultrasonographic findings in early pregnancies help to diagnose spontaneous abortion, but not efficient to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities in the aborted group. |
Key Words:
Spontaneous abortion, Chromosome analysis, Transvaginal sonography |