Three cases of cervical pregnancy treated by intra-amniotic methotrexate injection after systemic methotrexate treatment. |
Kyung Chul Lee, Yoon Ha Kim, Jae Ho Na, Seok Mo Kim, Tae Bok Song, Ji Soo Byun |
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chonnam National University Medical School, Kwangju, Korea. |
Abstract |
Cervical pregnancy is a rare condition representing less than 1% of ectopic gestations in which the blastocyst implant within the cervical canal below the internal os of uterine cervix. Most cervical pregnancy result in early spontaneous abortion, complicated by severe hemorrhage from the eroded blood vessels within the cervix. Because of the fear of profuse hemorrhage, hysterectomy has been historically considered the standard therapy. However, a number of new therapies have been aimed at uterine preservation, conservative treatment is highly desirable for young women who want to preserve her fertility. Methotrexate has been utilized recently in the management of tubal, interstitial, and cervical pregnancies. We experienced three cases of successful treatment of cervical pregnancy by local injection of methotrexate into gestational sac under the guidance of vaginal sonogram after systemic methotrexate treatment, so we report the cases with a brief review of the literatures. |
Key Words:
cervical pregnancy, methotrexate, systemic and local injection |