A Case of Acardiac Parabiotic Twin. |
Song Kwon Choi, Dong Chun Park, Yoon Kyung Choi, Ji Eun Lee, Soo Sun Lee, Youn Hee Park, Young Oak Lew, Dae Hoon Kim, Sung Kwen Namkoong |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Catholic University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
Acardia is a very rare congenital anomaly occurring in less than 1 in 35,000 deliveries. Acardiac parabiotic twin has been reported only in multiple, monochronic pregnancies. This anomalous fetus is sustained in utero by parasitic anastomoses to the circulation of its usually normal co-twin and is therefore not compatible with extrauterine survival. A case of an acardiac parabiotic twin is described, and the literature concerning the incidence, classification and etiology of acardiac is reviewed. |
Key Words:
Acardiac parabiotic twin |