A Case of Amnioreduction in Prolapsed Membranes After McDonald Cerclage. |
Hyung Min Choi, Moon Young Kim, Byeong Jun Jung, Myung Kwon Jun, Eung Soo Lee |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Inje University, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Kyunggi, Korea. |
Abstract |
Incompetent internal os of cervix is treated with McDonald or Shirodkar cerclage after 14 weeks of gestation. In rare case, after 20 weeks of gestation fetal membrane is bulging into vaginal cavity, but cerclage in that period is risk factor for preterm labor and preterm premature rupture of membranes. So many complications are reported in that period. So many experiences for reducing fetal membranes into uterine cavity were performed. We report a case of amnioreduction in prolapsed fetal membranes after McDonald cerclage, and delivered in 33 weeks of gestation with brief review of literature. |
Key Words:
Amnioreduction, McDonald Cerclage |