A case of conservative management of cervical pregnancy using selective uterine artery embolization. |
Jeong Soo Heo, Ki Soo Lee, Bong Jin Jeong, Jeong Sin Yoon, Eui Jung Jeong, Jin Seok Hwang, Jung Hyeok Kwon |
1Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Dong-Kang Hospital, Ulsan, Korea. 2Department of Radiology, Dong-Kang Hospital, Ulsan, Korea. |
Abstract |
Cervical pregnancy is a rarely life-threatening form of ectopic pregnancy in which the implantation of the developing conceptus in the cervical canal. The cervix is composed predominantly of the fibrous tissue. Therefore cervical pregnancy can be massive hemorrhagic occurrence from the eroded blood vessels within the cervical tissue. In the past, as a result of life-threatening hemorrhage, the diagnosis of a cervical ectopic pregnancy frequently led to hysterectomy. Currently, several conservative treatments are possible with the hope of preserving future reproductive potential, including preoperative uterine artery embolization before dilatation and evacuation. We report a case of cervical pregnancy which was treated sucessfully with preoperative selective uterine artery embolization before dilatation and currettage. |
Key Words:
Cervical pregnancy, Selective uterine artery embolization |