The Effect of V-Y Advancement Flap after Vulvectomy in Patients with Vulvar Cancer. |
In Cheul Jeung, Min Kyung Song, Chae Chun Rhim, Sung Eun Namkoong |
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea. 2Sea-Young Hwang Hospital for Women, Korea. |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical effect of V-Y advancement flap after vulvectomy in patients with vulvar cancer. Local and systemic morbidity, the degree of satisfaction after operation, length of hospital stay were evaluated. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From March 2001 to september 2002, five patients with invasive vulvar cancer were eligible for this study. All the patients underwent radical vulvectomy with groin lymph nodes dissection. All of them were reconstructed by the same surgeon using ischial fasciocutaneous V-Y flaps based on perforators from the inferior border of the gluteous maximus muscle. RESULTS: Flap survival was 100%. There were no major complication including wound infection, wound disruption, urinary tract infection, and seroma in the femoral triangle. Functional outcome was excellent in all patients. CONCLUSION: The V-Y advancement flap provides a straight-forward and simple safe reliable method as a common approach in radical vulvectomy. |
Key Words:
Vvulvar cancer, Vulvectomy, V-Y advancement flap |