A Case of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome which have Direct Adhesion between the Liver Capsule and Adjacent Anterior abdominal Wall. |
Jeong Tae Kim, Ho Jin Jang, Su Il Sin, Jong Hoon Park, Dong Soo Suh, Sung Kyoo Jang, Dong Hyung Lee, Yong Jin Na, Kyu Sup Lee |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea. kuslee@pusan.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome means perihepatitis consisting of liver capsule inflammation without parenchymal damage associated with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). The incidence of this syndrome in PID is reported to be 15-30%. It produces right upper quadrant pain from acute inflammatory reaction between liver capsule and adjacent peritoneum in acute phase, and later forms characteristic violin-string adhesions. Recently, it is suggested that marked hepatic subcapsular enhancement at arterial phase in contrast-enhanced CT has diagnostic value, but diagnostic laparoscopy is used as definitive diagnostic method in Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome. We have experienced one case of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome in women with right upper quadrant pain, which was diagnosed by CT imaging and was not improved by appropriate antibiotic therapy. In diagnostic laparoscopic examination, we have found direct adhesion between liver capsule and anterior abdominal wall and experienced improvement in symptoms after adhesiolysis. So, we report this case with the brief review of the literatures. |
Key Words:
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, Perihepatitis, Pelvic inflammatory disease |