The efficacy of uterine balloon ablation therapy in patient with menorrhagia. |
Mi Youn Won, Sang Hoon Han, Yong Tark Jeon, Byung Chul Jee, Chang Suk Suh, Yong Beom Kim |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVE Menorrhagia is defined as a complaint of heavy cyclical menstrual bleeding occurring over several consecutive cycles and approximately 30% of women suffer from it. Recently uterine balloon ablation therapy (UBT) system has been used widely as a safe and easy surgical option for this cumbersome symptom. The aims of this study were to determine the safety and the efficacy of UBT system in the management of menorrhagia, and to identify the possible factors for a successful outcome. METHODS: From August 2003 to May 2004, 77 patients with menorrhagia were enrolled. Demographic information, diary score for menorrhagia, and size of uterus were checked before treatment. All patients were treated with UBT system under IV anesthesia at day-surgery unit and followed up post-operatively. The change of diary score, and the change of hemoglobin/hematocrit were recorded. And the change of quality of life was assessed. RESULTS: Medical records of 73 patients who completed scheduled follow up were analyzed. Mean age was 43.7 years old, pre-operative mean diary score was 255.9+/-98.0 and pre-operative mean hemoglobin was 10.67+/-1.67. After the operation, the diary score significantly decreased to 53.3+/-27.5, and the hemoglobin significantly increased to 12.67+/-1.53. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that success of treatment was influenced by the indication of UBT, patient age, uterine depth, and adequate intra-operative balloon pressure. An improvement in self-reported quality of life scores was also observed. CONCLUSION: The UBT system is a safe and effective method to treat menorrhagia and can be easily done under outpatient basis. Thus, it is a good alternative to hysterectomy or hysteroscopic endometrial ablation with a comparable success rate and minimal risk. |
Key Words:
Menorrhagia, Uterine balloon ablation therapy |