A case of adenofibroma of uterine cervix. |
Hee Sun Lim, Yong Ju Moon, Jae En Jung, Min Jung Kim, Sung Jin Hwang, Jin Hong Kim, Jang Heub Kim, Hyun Hee Jo |
1Catholic University Medical College, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul, Korea. drrabbit@catholic.ac.kr 2Wonkwang university Sanbon medical center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gyeonggi, Korea. |
Abstract |
Adenofibromas of the uterine cervix, which are classified as benign tumors of mixed epithelium and mesenchymal cells, are extremely rare. Most common symptom is usually abnormal genital bleeding. It is very difficult to diagnose preoperatively. Recommended method of treatment is total hysterectomy, because it usually recurs. We experienced a case of adenofibroma of the uterine cervix with increased CA125, so report it with a review of the literature. |
Key Words:
Adenofibroma, Uterine cervix, CA125 |